Movie Update

I just need to jot these down before I forget. Hopefully I will get back to more substantial posts once I have settled in here in Austin.

1. Return of the King
2. Children of Men
3. Illuminata
4. Stay
5. Hot Fuzz
6. The Empire Strikes Back
7. American Astronaut
8. Shortbus
9. Hotel Rwanda
10. Stranger Than Fiction

3 Comments on "Movie Update"

  1. Ryan says:

    Wait a sec. So you can include things you’re seeing again? Doesn’t that… hmm… I don’t know what. You could do a top ten of the top ten runoff to see what your top ten of the past five years are.

  2. monica says:

    I LOVED Hot Fuzz!!! Such a good movie:)

  3. Drey says:

    Yeah, the list is for the top ten movies I’ve *seen* in a particular year, not movies that were released that year.

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